商品介紹握手系列Holding hands Series握手系列Holding hands Series

握手系列Holding hands Series

1:掌握  Grasp    : 2018-100p、w112*162cm


The hope and happiness are in our own hands. Really wonderful thing is 〝Doing〞, not hesitation.
Complaint is the weak performance, hard work is the truly attitude of life.
Ability wins the respect.

2:牽手    Wife : 2018    .   50F、w116.5*91cm


When you hold my hand, it changes you, it changes me.

3:Happy All: 2018-50f、w116.5*91cm


Hand in hand, I am your patron, you are my everything, I will protect you always.  Holding hands tightly, finding the safe place.  Hoping you may know, I will take care of you just like you used to protect me.

4:扶持   Support :2018-50fw116.5*91cm

The warm hands raised me up when I was a young child.  You are always there in my stumbling life journey.  Now, you are no longer young, no longer strong.  But I will be there for you whenever you need me.  I will walk with you slowly till the sunset.  Some other day, I will grow old too, wish children’s hands can also be my dependence.


5:找到幸福   Finding Happiness :2018- 100p、w112*162cm


Life, full of sadness and joy.  Let’s keep nature innocent,enjoy love, embrace happiness.